About Us
We are a group based in New Delhi, India, with a presence in PAN India.
From developing the finest web-based applications to guiding the students, we're today focused on innovation and technology to move forward.
We still create exciting technology, and offer a portfolio of products and a suite of services that unleash new modes of thinking, bringing to life unimagined possibilities.
And we will continue to do so to make you happy.
About the Chairperson

Our Chairperson Mrs. Sunita Gupta, has been creating silent waves among Super Rich C level community and under privileged ones. Now she has worked upon an idea to Guide, Support and even help financially in supporting the Needy MSME Women Entrepreneurs absolutely free of cost to contribute towards social responsibility. We would even offer to deserving women a free website and promotions for their products on our C- Level Group. This can be easily done through our website www.artonicsglobal.com by clicking on ASK a GUIDE and submit details from anywhere in India.